Intentions + Mindset = Manifestation

Intentions + Mindset = Manifestation
A piece by Lou
We hear that term thrown around a lot. “Just manifest it.” I’m working on my manifestations right now.” “Do you have a manifestation practice?”
What is manifestation? Here’s the definition: “A manifestation is the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. Manifestation's origins are in religion and spirituality because if something spiritual becomes real, it is said to be a manifestation.”
Manifestation is easier than it may initially seem. It will take some work, but once you start manifesting it will become second nature. I’m going to share a simple recipe to get you started on manifesting. Intention + Mindset = Manifestation. Simple, right? Each step does take a little bit of work, but how much work depends on where you are mentally/emotionally/spiritually.
The first step is to think about what your intention is. Ask yourself “what do I want?” Keep asking that until you get to the most basic answer. Okay, you’ve got your intention! Now to set your intention there are a few simple rules to follow. When it comes to setting an intention it’s very important to be direct. State what you want in the clearest, most concise way. Speak in the present tense. For example: ‘I live in abundance, I want for nothing, all that I need comes to me. I am loved. I give and receive love equally.’ Say it out loud, write it down, burn it, cover your mirror in sticky notes, repeat it...whatever works for you. You could also do a vision board. Having some visuals to represent your thoughts and words can be a beautiful way to move forward. It’s also an awesome reminder of what you are working towards. I love to meditate in front of my vision board.
In the process of manifesting your vision, your mindset is key. Make sure you are coming from a place of authenticity. Your intention shouldn’t be coming from a place of lack. For instance, instead of thinking ‘I’m missing this,' think ‘I am ready for this.’ Align your energy with what your heart desires. If your goal is to have a happy demeanor, align with what has brought immense happiness and tap into that energy as often as possible. When your mindset is coming from a higher level, you attract higher vibrating things/people. A way to support mindset is to connect with your higher self and your guides. Meditation can be a beautiful way to tap into this. Having a supportive mindset isn’t about ignoring negative or hard things, it’s about accepting things as they are and finding comfort in the discomfort. Remember, we grow the most from the difficult situations.
Ok, so now that we’ve talked through what to do and how to think, everything is going to just fall into place, right? Yes and no. Things will come together, I can assure you that. Will it come exactly when you want it? Maybe not. The universe is in control, and we can ask for things to come soon, but we aren’t the ones calling all the shots. Will everything happen exactly how you want it to? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe what you were working on manifesting wasn’t exactly what you needed or what was going to serve you. Things always turn out as they are supposed to, (in my opinion), even if it’s not exactly what you hoped for. If that’s the case, I challenge you to take a moment, don’t feel defeated, and look at it with a new perspective. Find the sunshine in the moment, embrace it as it is.
I’d love to share one of my experiences. While hiking the Pacific Crest Trail I knew I was done living in Austin but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to end up. I set the intention that in the process of hiking I wanted to find my next home. There were so many sweet towns I experienced and considered but as soon as I crossed the Oregon/Washington border I felt at home. I started visualizing myself living in Washington. I called it home. I thanked the Universe for bringing me home. I also spoke it out loud. I said things like “I will live in a sweet little house in the woods, near a town/city. I am surrounded by mountains and water. I am a part of a kind supportive community.” I narrowed it down to the Seattle area and days after was offered a place to live when I finished the trail. I’ve noticed in my personal practice that when I picture myself in the space/see myself living in an everyday life situation in addition to speaking it out loud the manifestation happens so much faster and is closer to my hopes.
Imagine your goal as if it has already happened. Speak and think of it as concrete and will it into being.
Have fun manifesting.